October 19th, 2018 José Sitbon No Comment Destination
The number of visitors fell at the beginning of 2018, following an increase in the pound sterling.
Between April and June, the number of foreign visitors to Great Britain fell by 7.7% compared to the same period last year. This represents the largest drop in nearly a decade, according to Les Echos, based on figures from the National Statistics Office.
While the country’s decision to leave the European Union in 2016 had led to the fall of the pound and made Britain a more affordable destination (thus increasing the number of tourists), the currency recovered to $1.40 in early spring 2018, making the country less attractive, also analyses the economic daily.
10% decrease in expenses
The 10 million visits recorded between April and June 2018 resulted in £5.8 billion in expenditure, representing a 10% decrease in expenditure compared to last year. In concrete terms, tourism decreased by 8%, business travel by 15% and personal visits by 6%.
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