Good Cheerleaders with bad skin ?
May 31st, 2018 Rédaction No Comment People 7332 views
Discriminations, extended hours of work, imposed evenings with sponsors and VIPs… cheerleaders have just revealed the dubious practices of several American football teams in the United States.
According to a recent article in The New York Times, cheerleaders from the Redskins in Washington told the story of a week-long stay at an adult hotel in Costa Rica.
They claim to have been photographed topless or with paint on the body for a calendar…. which never contains nude photos.
Several sponsors renting VIP boxes in the Redskins stadium – who were all men – were also able to attend the session according to them.
Nine young women had to accompany some of them for an evening in a night club.
The Redskins management assured in a statement that « every cheerleader is protected by a contract that provides a safe and positive environment« .
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