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Is New York really too expensive?

According to data from the  »  Business Travel Index », three American cities rank first in terms of daily costs for business travellers. .

Business travel continues to grow

The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), an association for American travel agencies, predicts that the cost of business travel will increase between 6 and 7% by 2019 and 2020.

[1]The battle between TMC (Travel Management Company) will be tough. However, if business volumes are high, margins are reduced. Technology is now at the heart of the war for these global groups such as Carlson Wagonlit, American Express, Egencia or BCD Travel…

New York in front of Tokyo

New York has overtaken Tokyo and London as the most expensive place in the world for business men (or women).

[2]The  »  Corporate Travel Index 2017″ published by Business Travel News reports the average daily cost of an employee in 100 U. S. cities and 100 cities around the world.

The results showed that four of the 10 most expensive business trips are in Europe, with American cities dominating the top 10.

The share of hotel costs is important

New York came out on top, mainly because hotel prices averaged $385 per employee per night.

London is also in the same case with hotel rooms, which cost an average of $235 per traveller per night.

The top 10 cities in the ranking

1, New York $549
2, San Francisco $534
3 Boston $511
4 Tokyo $489
5 Zurich $472
6 London $469
7 Washington $462
8 Chicago $444
9 Basel $443
10 Geneva $432