Tourism : It is the centenary of the Bauhaus in Germany
February 26th, 2019 Leo Malden No Comment Destination 2302 views
100 years…. It’s a birthday celebration, isn’t it ? In 2019, the Bauhaus, an architectural and artistic movement born in Germany that still finds its mark in our daily lives, is celebrating its 100th anniversary.
This anniversary will be an opportunity to return to Weimar, its birthplace, but also to visit Jena, Dessau or Berlin and participate in the « Great Modernism Tour » which offers several sightseeing tours around the Bauhaus monuments throughout the country !
It is in Weimar, the cradle of the Bauhaus, that you will be able to discover the entire history of this architectural, architectural and artistic movement. A new museum is even totally dedicated to it !
The latter will open its doors on 6 April 2019 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus! Many events are also planned on site.
In Hamburg, a Hanseatic city in northern Germany, there are architectural masterpieces.
The Chilehaus or House of Chile awaits you in the city centre, but also the Haus Werner whose design is inspired by the Bau-haus style. You can also find them in the Bauhaus circuit planned in Hamburg for the occasion !
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