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What are the tips for sleeping better on vacation ?

We spend an average of one third of our lives sleeping. Sleep is vital for the learning of our memory and essential for our body. However, it is not always easy to fall into Morpheus’ arms. Discover these 10 quick tips to get a good night’s sleep and get back to restorative sleep!

Tip n°1: Eat well before you sleep

It is essential to have a good meal before going to sleep. Eat neither too light nor too heavy, just what you need. Choose slow sugars such as pasta, rice, wheat… And above all, avoid a meal that is too rich in protein!

[1]Tip #2: Using plants

Some plants promote sleep. Choose from a small cup of chamomile, verbena, orange blossom, linden or valerian tea 30 minutes before bedtime.

Tip 3: Drinking hot milk

If you are not too herbal, drink a cup of warm milk with 1 tablespoon of honey. A grandmother’s remedy known since time immemorial for its soothing powers.

Tip n°4: Lavender essential oil of lavender

Put a few drops of real lavender essential oil on your pillow or duvet. If you want to perfume the smell in your room, use an essential oil diffuser. Lavender has calming powers that promote sleep. It can also be used in a hot bath.

Tip #5: Create a bedtime ritual

The bedtime ritual may be necessary to fall asleep. Read, listen to music, take a bath…

Tip 6: Listen to your body

Lie down at the slightest sign of sleep (braking, stiff neck, tingling eyes, etc.). Indeed, if you don’t listen to the signs of your body, you will have to wait for the next sleep cycle!

[2]Tip 7: Keeping the same rhythm

In order not to disrupt your biological clock, keep a regular bed and wake-up time as regular as possible, week or weekend!

Tip #8: Adjusting the chamber temperature

Sleep in a room at 20° maximum. If your room temperature is too high, ventilate just before you go to sleep to get the right temperature.

Tip #9: Forget to think

Empty your head. Write down on a notebook everything that bothers you or what you need to do for the next day, so that you don’t have to think about it. Meditate, concentrate on your breathing.

Tip #10: Sleeping in total darkness

Turn off all your standby lights. If your alarm clock is digital, cover it with a black cloth. If there is still light, use an eye mask.